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Showing posts from August, 2022

Biden schools the GOP on real economic leadership.

 Yes, inflation has been going down, down, down since 6/30/22 ! The rate of inflation for the year ending: 6/30/2022 was 9.1% 7/31/2022 was 8.5% - down 1/31/2023 was 6.3% - down 2/28/2023 was 6.0% - down 3/30/2023 was 5.0%  - down 4/30/2023 was 4.9% - down 5/31/2023 was 4.0% - down 6/30/2023 was 3.0% - down Jobs added: 370,000 in  June 2022  with a 3.6% unemployment rate !                  568,000 in July 2022  with a 3.5% unemployment rate ! 352,000 in August 2022  with a 3.7% unemployment rate ! 350,000 in September 2022  with a 3.5% unemployment rate ! 324,000 in October 2022  with a 3.7% unemployment rate ! 290,000 in November 2022  with a 3.6% unemployment rate ! 239,000 in December 2022  with a 3.5% unemployment rate ! 472,000 in January 2023  with a 3.4% unemployment rate ! 248,000 in February 2023  with a 3.6% unemployment rate ! 217,000 in March 2023  with a 3.5% u...


 Greetings, Soon, this part of the Staunton Democrats blog will be filled with details about Democrat led achievements such as the recent Inflation Reduction Act.  We will try to focus on local accomplishments as well as state and national. Democrats are generally humble people and think more about the world as a whole rather than just themselves.  Thus, we are generally very bad at tooting our own horn when we do something good. We have numerous things to accomplish but our record is pretty spectacular ! Stay tuned.